Our Partnerships

Our partnerships

Two women sat on bench

We know that housing issues are often linked to other things clients are struggling with, like insecure employment or poor mental health.

That’s why we’ve built strong partnerships with other local organisations, enabling clients to access a much broader range of support.

Through our partnership projects, we aim to reach more socially excluded people. We help them to deal with housing stress early on so they can avoid reaching crisis point and get back on their feet.

Are you interested in partnering with Housing Matters? Get in touch with us.

Housing advice stand


Aashyana, meaning ‘beautiful home’, is our partnership with Citizens Advice Bristol & St Pauls Advice Centre.

Through this partnership, we offer support to Bristol’s South Asian communities with housing & income e.g. helping them save money through switching their utilities or taking in lodgers. 


Aashyana, meaning ‘beautiful home’, is our partnership with Citizens Advice Bristol & St Pauls Advice Centre.

Through this partnership, we offer support to Bristol’s South Asian communities with housing & income e.g. helping them save money through switching their utilities or taking in lodgers. 

Housing advice stand
Woman holding child


Housing Matters and Talking Money work together with children’s centres in Central Bristol to help parents and carers tackle debt, bills, benefits and housing issues. Many of these clients are lone parents, speak English as a second language and experience digital exclusion, all of which can be a barrier when trying to access services.

Wellspring settlement reception


We partner with Talking Money, Wellspring Settlement & West of England Works to provide Boost – a drop-in service for the community in Lawrence Hill, Bristol.

Local people can access support with bills, benefits, budgeting, employment & housing.


We partner with Talking Money, Wellspring Settlement & West of England Works to provide Boost – a drop-in service for the community in Lawrence Hill, Bristol.

Local people can access support with bills, benefits, budgeting, employment & housing.

Wellspring settlement reception

Early Doors

We began our Early Doors project in 2021 in partnership with the local homelessness charity, Caring in Bristol. Through this project, we’ve been able to expand our service delivery throughout East and South Bristol.

We aim to intervene with clients’ housing issues before they reach crisis point.

We work with members of the community to design new projects in order to best match their needs.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our kind supporters. It was because of you that our work last year was possible.”


~Anna Dietrich

We also work alongside several community organisations to deliver our drop-in advice sessions.

Housing Support Handbook

Housing, finances, benefits, employment, immigration, food access & mental health support. It can be overwhelming trying to work out how to get support with these & what your options are. 

That’s why we have worked with Caring in Bristol and ACFA to put together a no-nonsense guide to help.

It is totally free for anyone to use. Download our latest version here.

To get more resources like this and to help support the creation of these handbooks, please sign up to Caring in Bristol’s mailing list.

With the cost-of-living crisis, we know more people than ever may need support, so please share this resource with anyone who might need it.  


Housing support handbook
Housing support handbook


Image Credit: Caring in Bristol

Our funders

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our kind funders. It was because of you that our work last year was possible.

Professional memberships




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